Join us: La Traversee de Paris September 14 and 15, 2019

The Seine is the lifeblood of Paris, and most of it’s history can be tracked along its banks and bridges…I have been wanting to do this row for a number of years, with the calendar always getting in the way...


The Traversee de Paris is an annual event, with over a thousand rowers, approximately 200 boats. The start is in Sevres, on the western side of Paris. On Saturday the 14th we will check into our hotel and walk to the site to find our boats, prepare them for the next morning and register. On Sunday we start at dawn (at which point the location of our hotel will seem particularly well chosen...).


We will row upstream along the left bank for 14k, past so many of the iconic monuments of Paris, the Eiffel tower, the Grand palais, the Tuileries, the Louvre, Notre Dame, the Quai d'Orsay, then around the ile St Louis and back downstream to our starting point.In the process we will row under 33 bridges, each with its extraordinary architecture and ornamentation.


This is not a race, except to get back for lunch, but more a fun event and with over 200 boats on the water, there is quite a bit of boatwatching, especially in the beginning. We will switch coxswains during the row. I will provide each coxswain with a map/history info so they can also be tour guide!



This cost includes entry fee, which includes breakfast and lunch at the rowing venue on Sunday, boat usage, two nights at the hotel, dinners Saturday and Sunday, and breakfast Monday morning.

The cost for the Paris row will be $1300 for a rower (sharing a room with a rower or non rower), and $700 for a non rower sharing a rowers room. There is a $250 single supplement.

Please let me know if you are interested, and please call with any questions. If you decide to join us, I will send you an invoice by email. Also, feel free to share this with friends!



If you have any questions, please call or e-mail me! 203-405-1818, (cell 203-482-7242)


For questions, or to order by phone, please call us: USA (203) 482-7242